New Computer - Production Checklist

No ITEM Checked
1 Ubuntu is installed
2 Install ROS, Shadow Software and extras

How to Install Ubuntu

  • [ ] Introduce the USB "Ubuntu Trusty" (64bits, Ubuntu 14.04)
  • [ ] Boot the computer from the USB 2.0
  • [ ] Click Install Ubuntu. Language: English
  • [ ] Preparing to install Ubuntu. Download updates while installing: ON. Install this third-party software: OFF.
  • [ ] Choose the drive and install now
  • [ ] Where are you? Select the delivery destination
  • [ ] Choose U.K. keyboard layout
  • [ ] Your name: Shadow Admin at 'company_name'
  • [ ] Your PC name: shadow-'company_name'
  • [ ] Pick a username: sysadmin
  • [ ] Password: hand
  • [ ] Require my password to log in: ON
  • [ ] Once installed, add the keyboard layout of the country of destination

Install ROS, Shadow Software and extras

  • Run the following command command. You can replace indigo-devel with the name of the branch you want to use (it must exist on github).
curl -L | bash -s indigo-devel
  • In the sr-config folder, don't forget to modify the sr_rhand.launch file (or sr_lhand.launch for the left hand). The important thing to remember is to point to the proper ethercat port, robot description, mapping file, hand serial, pwm control:
  <include file="$(find sr_robot_launch)/launch/srhand.launch">
    <arg name="eth_port" value="eth2" />
    <arg name="hand_serial" value="1050" />
    <arg name="hand_id" value="rh" />
    <arg name="robot_description" value="$(find sr_description)/robots/shadowhand_motor.urdf.xacro" />
    <arg name="mapping_path" value="$(find sr_edc_launch)/mappings/default_mappings/rh_ethercat.yaml"/>

    <arg name="sim" value="false"/>

Updating the installation or rerunning a failed install

You can rerun the command any time logged in and from the sysadmin user home directory to update the installation.

curl -L | bash -s indigo-devel

Optoforce sensor

For a hand with optoforce sensors the following steps will be necessary:

cd src
git clone

Then modify the sr_rhand.launch file (or sr_lhand.launch for the left hand). It should call the node

  <include file="$(find sr_robot_launch)/launch/srhand.launch">
    <arg name="eth_port" value="eth2" />
    <arg name="hand_serial" value="1050" />
    <arg name="hand_id" value="rh" />
    <arg name="robot_description" value="$(find sr_description)/robots/shadowhand_motor.urdf.xacro" />
    <arg name="mapping_path" value="$(find sr_edc_launch)/mappings/default_mappings/rh_ethercat.yaml"/>

    <arg name="use_moveit" value="true"/>
    <arg name="sim" value="false"/>

  <node pkg="sr_utilities_common" type="" args="10 sr_ethercat_hand_config optoforce_hand.launch port:=/dev/ttyACM1"
       name="timed_roslaunch_optoforce" output="screen"/>

The port parameter should be set to the right value. You can check that value by doing ll /dev/ttyACM then press tab to see the existing ttyACm ports. You can unplug the optoforce and try again if you are unsure which one is it.

Note on port name

The assigned port name e.g. ttyACM0 is dependent on the order in which the optoforce sensors are plugged (in case we have more than one Optoforce DAQ box). For this situation it is better to follow the procedure explained in the optoforce repository in the section Installation of udev rule.